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Illegal immigration crisis at border worsens under Biden administration

Illegal immigration crisis at border worsens under Biden administration

Crime Desk 01 Feb , 2024 04:31 AM GMT

  • Biden administration incentivizes illegal immigration

  • No consequences for illegal immigrants, leading to more crossings

  • Venezuelan criminals operating with impunity in the US

Illegal immigration crisis at border worsens under Biden administration
Cubans seek to travel abroad to escape economic crisis in Havana

In recent news, the Biden administration is facing growing criticism for its handling of the immigration crisis as incidents of illegal border crossings continue to rise. Concerns surrounding public safety, overwhelmed resources, and the release of criminals are at the forefront of the debate.


One incident that exemplifies the increasing boldness of illegal immigrants is a video captured on a San Diego beach. The individuals in the video disappeared into a nearby neighborhood without any trace of their whereabouts, illustrating the challenges law enforcement faces in apprehending them. Critics argue that such incidents are becoming more frequent due to the Biden administration's lenient immigration policies, which they claim incentivizes illegal immigration.

Former Republican Congresswoman Mayra Flores from Texas argues that until the Biden administration enforces existing laws, the situation will persist. She highlights the provision of free meals, housing, healthcare, and education to illegal immigrants as factors attracting them to the United States. Flores also raises concerns about criminals being released back into communities and the lack of consequences they face, which further encourages illegal immigration.

Another aspect of the crisis mentioned is the presence of criminal gangs among illegal immigrants. The video suggests that pickpocketing teams operating in and around Times Square are mainly comprised of Venezuelan criminals. This raises comparisons with the 1980 Mariel Boatlift, where Fidel Castro emptied asylums and prisons, leading to an influx of individuals with criminal backgrounds into the US. It is suggested that a similar situation may be occurring now in Venezuela.


The impact of the immigration crisis is not limited to border states but is felt across the country. A Quinnipiac poll revealed that 61% of registered voters view the current situation as a crisis. Many local communities now find themselves burdened with housing migrants, leading to tensions between residents and local authorities. The diversion of resources meant for residents' use becomes an additional concern.

Critics place the responsibility for the crisis squarely on President Biden, who, during his first 100 days in office, issued 94 executive actions on immigration. They argue that he has the authority to allow Border Patrol agents to enforce the law and secure the border without relying on Congress. The public sentiment is increasingly turning against the administration, as reflected in the poll results and community backlash.


In response to these mounting challenges, calls are being made for a comprehensive review of immigration policies and potential policy adjustments. However, the process of finding effective solutions remains complex, with the need to consider both humanitarian concerns and the need to safeguard national security.

As the immigration crisis continues to escalate, it remains to be seen how the Biden administration will address the concerns raised by critics and work towards finding a balanced and sustainable approach to immigration policy.

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