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Huawei's Harmonyos Poses Threat To Apple And Google Dominance

Huawei's Harmonyos Poses Threat To Apple And Google Dominance

Tech Desk 06 Mar , 2024 06:32 PM GMT

  • Huawei's 64% sales growth in China threatens Apple's market position.

  • Huawei's independent supply chain and HarmonyOS development fuel its success.

  • Honor, Huawei's spinoff, intensifies competition with Apple.

Huawei's Harmonyos Poses Threat To Apple And Google Dominance
Huawei store in Shanghai

Apple's recent sales decline in China has raised concerns, but the bigger threat lies in Huawei's resurgence, which could reshape the smartphone market significantly in the coming years. Despite Vivo surpassing Apple in sales, Huawei's impressive 64% sales growth has propelled it to second place, with its spinoff, Honor, also posing a strong competition to Apple. Huawei's success is attributed to its independent supply chain and the development of HarmonyOS, a new operating system that aims to break free from the Android ecosystem.


Huawei's strategic move towards independence was well-planned, and its recent announcement of HarmonyOS Next signals a significant shift in the smartphone landscape. The emergence of a third-way ecosystem, led by Huawei, poses a serious challenge to the duopoly of Apple and Google in the smartphone market. Shenzhen, a key player in China's tech industry, is actively promoting HarmonyOS adoption across various sectors, further fueling Huawei's growth.

The potential expansion of HarmonyOS beyond China could disrupt the global smartphone market, especially with the increasing focus on AI technology. Chinese OEMs, known for offering high-performance devices at competitive prices, are poised to leverage on-device AI capabilities to drive international growth. This aligns with Huawei's comprehensive ecosystem strategy, encompassing hardware, chipsets, devices, operating system, and AI technology.


While the implications of Huawei's resurgence are primarily felt in China, the long-term effects could extend globally, challenging the dominance of US tech giants. Apple's heavy reliance on the Chinese market makes it particularly vulnerable to these developments. As Huawei strengthens its position, the smartphone industry faces a potential paradigm shift, with China leading the way in shaping a new smartphone ecosystem.

As the situation unfolds, the impact of Huawei's resurgence on the global smartphone market remains to be seen. The ongoing competition between Huawei, Apple, and Google underscores the evolving dynamics of the industry, with AI technology playing a pivotal role in driving future growth. The stage is set for a transformative period in the smartphone market, with Huawei's resurgence signaling a significant departure from the status quo.

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