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DeSantis faces scrutiny over ties to medical marijuana industry!

DeSantis faces scrutiny over ties to medical marijuana industry!

Politics Desk 25 Dec , 2023 05:30 PM GMT

  • DeSantis pledged to drain the swamp, but questions arise about his ties to campaign donors.

  • Trulieve, a leading medical marijuana company, donated to DeSantis' campaign and saw record profits.

  • DeSantis was courted by key figures in the medical marijuana industry who donated to his campaign.

DeSantis faces scrutiny over ties to medical marijuana industry!
Republican presidential candidate DeSantis campaigns in Keene

In a recent news investigation, questions have arisen regarding Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' record on special interest and campaign donors, particularly in relation to the legalization of smokable medical marijuana in the state. Critics argue that while DeSantis touts his efforts to drain the swamp in Florida, his ties to key figures in the medical marijuana industry raise concerns about potential conflicts of interest.

According to the investigation, one of the leading medical marijuana companies in the US, Trulieve, contributed $50,000 to the Florida GOP, which helped fund DeSantis' campaign ads. Shortly after DeSantis signed the law legalizing smokable medical marijuana, Trulieve reported record profits, with smokable flower accounting for a significant portion of its sales in Florida.


Furthermore, it was revealed that individuals with ties to the billion-dollar marijuana industry, such as entrepreneur Jason Parizolo and former State Representative Halsey Beshears, co-hosted fundraisers for DeSantis and actively raised money for his campaign. These individuals later became part of Trulieve, further highlighting the close connections between DeSantis and the marijuana industry in Florida.

Interestingly, Lev Parnas, known for his involvement in the impeachment proceedings against former President Donald Trump, claimed that DeSantis sought his help in securing Trump's endorsement for his struggling gubernatorial campaign. Parnas, who was attempting to enter the lucrative marijuana industry, stated that DeSantis promptly changed his stance on marijuana, expressing willingness to explore expanded legalization. It is important to note that Parnas' account regarding Trump's endorsement could not be independently verified.

Twitter Post On DeSantis faces scrutiny over ties to medical marijuana industry!

Under DeSantis' leadership, the medical marijuana industry in Florida has flourished, estimated to be worth around $1.8 billion. The number of dispensaries in the state has dramatically increased, serving over 800,000 Floridians.

Despite the revelations, DeSantis has not directly addressed the questions surrounding his connections to the marijuana industry. He returned Parnas' campaign contribution, but declined to provide further details about their interactions. The Trump campaign and Rudy Giuliani, who Parnas approached to secure Trump's endorsement, have not commented on the matter either.


While DeSantis continues to tout his efforts in draining the swamp, critics argue that his associations with the medical marijuana industry raise doubts about the sincerity of his promises. As further investigations unfold, the extent of DeSantis' involvement in the marijuana industry and the impact of campaign donations on his political decisions will continue to be scrutinized.

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