Los Angeles is facing a sudden drop in temperature today.
Temperatures range from 11°C to 17°C with windy conditions.
Humidity level is high at 89% in the city.
Los Angeles is facing a sudden drop in temperature today.
Today, on 26 February 2024, Los Angeles is bracing for a cold day with temperatures ranging from a maximum of 17°C to a minimum of 11°C. The sudden drop in temperature has led to chilly and windy conditions across the city.
Weather Forecast for Los Angeles Today
Date: 26 February 2024
City: Los Angeles
Minimum Temperature: 11°C / 52°F
Maximum Temperature: 17°C / 63°F
Sunrise: 6:26 AM
Sunset: 5:47 PM
Wind Speed: 12 Km/hr
Air Humidity: 89%
Chance of Rain: 0%
Chance of Snow: 0%
The dry heat in the city today is accompanied by a humidity level of 89%. The cold and dry weather conditions may pose health risks to the residents, such as coughs and flu, so it is advisable to stay warm and take necessary precautions.
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