Consider implications of moving abroad on U.S. financial accounts.
Accessing financial services overseas can be challenging for Americans.
Explore options for cost-effective money transfers and currency exchange.

Tom Zachystal is President of International Asset Management providing financial planning and investment advice for Americans living abroad. Moving abroad is popular these days. Whether you’re relocating for a better retirement, a quest for adventure or the opportunity to travel while working remotely, it’s important to understand that the financial implications for Americans moving abroad can be significant.
Challenges related to banking, investments, retirement plans, U.S. and foreign taxes, and transferring money internationally stem from both U.S. and foreign regulations. Here we’ll discuss several financial issues that Americans planning to move abroad should consider.

To avoid complications regarding other countries’ financial services laws, many U.S. banks and brokerage firms have chosen not to deal with (or to limit the services they provide to) non-U.S. residents in many countries.
Before relocating abroad, if you aren’t keeping a U.S. address, contact your U.S. financial institutions and inquire about the implications of your move, including whether the company will allow you to keep your accounts, or if they will speak with you and let you access your accounts online from abroad.
It can also be challenging for Americans to access financial services overseas as foreign banks must share account details of American clients with the IRS. While many comply, some foreign financial firms avoid the reporting burden by not accepting U.S. clients.
Many U.S. and major foreign banks charge either high fees or an unfavorable currency exchange rate for money transfers (and sometimes both). As such, before exchanging money, consider discussing your requirements with a specialist international currency broker, who may be able to secure favorable exchange rates, especially for larger transfers. There are also online money transfer options that can offer a more cost-effective solution than traditional banks.

The U.S. tax system is different than other countries’, as the U.S. taxes are based on citizenship rather than residency and, therefore, American citizens and green card holders are subject to U.S. tax on their global income, whether they live in the States or abroad. This means that most Americans living abroad may have to file both U.S. taxes and taxes in their country of residence.
The IRS has provisions such as the foreign tax credit or the foreign earned income exclusion that can offer relief if they’re claimed as part of your U.S. tax return. The U.S. also has tax treaties in place with many countries that can help avoid double taxation. There may also be additional reporting requirements; for example, the U.S. requires Americans with bank or brokerage accounts abroad to report them on separate forms.
Americans living abroad can keep their U.S. retirement plans and may even be able to keep contributing to them. If you’re earning in foreign currency, you will have to balance the fees when you transfer currency back into U.S. dollars against the tax benefits of your U.S. plan.
If you plan to settle abroad permanently, though, it may make more sense to contribute to a local retirement plan in your new country or residence, especially as many countries don’t recognize the tax benefits of U.S. retirement saving plans (and vice versa). This depends on the details of the specific tax treaty between the U.S. and your new country of residence.

If you’re selling a property in the U.S. to fund the purchase of a new home abroad, it’s often wise to complete the sale before moving abroad, as once you’re a resident in another country, you may be liable to pay a local capital gains tax.
While buying real estate in your new country usually doesn’t have specific U.S. tax implications, any rental income from properties abroad must be reported on your U.S. tax return. Additionally, gains will contribute to calculations for U.S. capital gains tax upon selling, and mortgage amounts will need to be converted to USD for U.S. tax returns.
If you’re moving abroad permanently, you may have to update your estate planning to accommodate the new jurisdiction, ensuring you have wills both in the U.S. and the country you’ve made your new home. Some countries may not recognize U.S. trusts or may impose higher tax rates on such entities. Hereditary laws may also take precedence over other arrangements if your country of residence has such laws.

It is also important to understand the difference between an estate tax imposed on the estate of the decedent, as in the U.S., and an inheritance tax imposed on the beneficiaries of an estate, which exists in many other countries.
Moving abroad is an exciting journey full of opportunities and challenges. However, it’s important to understand and manage the financial implications, and seek specialist cross-border advice, ideally before you move or as soon as possible afterward. This ensures that you embark on your expat adventure with confidence and avoid unexpected issues.
The information provided here is not investment, tax or financial advice. You should consult with a licensed professional for advice concerning your specific situation.

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